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Since: Version 20220408-101518-b908e2dd

The functionality described in this section requires version 20220408-101518-b908e2dd of wezterm, or a more recent version.

Activates a named key table.

See Key Tables for a detailed example.

The following parameters are possible:

  • name - the name of the table to activate. The name must match up to an entry in the key_tables configuration.
  • timeout_milliseconds - an optional duration expressed in milliseconds. If specified, then the activation will automatically expire and pop itself from the key table stack once that duration elapses. If omitted, this activation will not expire due to time.

    • (Since: Version 20220807-113146-c2fee766): the timer is reset each time you press a key that matches this key table activation, allowing for repeated key presses
  • one_shot - an optional boolean that controls whether the activation will pop itself after a single additional key press. The default if left unspecified is one_shot=true. When set to false, pressing a key will not automatically pop the activation and you will need to use either a timeout or an explicit key assignment that triggers PopKeyTable to cancel the activation.

  • replace_current - an optional boolean. Defaults to false if unspecified. If set to true then behave as though PopKeyTable was triggered before pushing this new activation on the stack. This is most useful for key assignments in a table that was activated using one_shot=false.
  • until_unknown - an optional boolean. Defaults to false if unspecified. If set to true then a key press that doesn't match any entries in the named key table will implicitly pop this entry from the stack. This can be used together with timeout_milliseconds. (Since: Version 20220807-113146-c2fee766)
  • prevent_fallback - an optional boolean. Defaults to false if unspecified. If set to true then a key press that doesn't match any entries in the named key table will halt any further key table stack matching, allowing only key assignments that are defined in the current key table activation to match. Use with care: if you haven't defined an explicit PopKeyTable assignment in the key table, you can lock yourself out of the keyboard and will need to reload the configuration file (eg: by re-saving it) to get back in. (Since: Version 20221119-145034-49b9839f)