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The PaneInformation struct describes a pane. Unlike the Pane object, PaneInformation is a snapshot of some of the key characteristics of the pane, intended for use in synchronous, fast, event callbacks that format GUI elements such as the window and tab title bars.

The PaneInformation struct contains the following fields:

  • pane_id - the pane identifier number
  • pane_index - the logical position of the pane within its containing layout
  • is_active - is true if the pane is the active pane within its containing tab
  • is_zoomed - is true if the pane is in the zoomed state
  • left - the cell x coordinate of the left edge of the pane
  • top - the cell y coordinate of the top edge of the pane
  • width - the width of the pane in cells
  • height - the height of the pane in cells
  • pixel_width - the width of the pane in pixels
  • pixel_height - the height of the pane in pixels
  • title - the title of the pane, per pane:get_title() at the time the pane information was captured
  • user_vars - the user variables defined for the pane, per pane:get_user_vars() at the time the pane information was captured.
  • progress - the progress state, per pane:get_progress() at the time the pane information was captured. (Since: Nightly Builds Only)
Since: Version 20220101-133340-7edc5b5a

The functionality described in this section requires version 20220101-133340-7edc5b5a of wezterm, or a more recent version.

Additional fields are available; note that accessing these may not be cheap to compute and may slow down wezterm. Unlike the fields listed above, these are not pre-computed snapshots of information, so if you don't use them, you won't pay the cost of computing them.

This example places the executable name in the tab titles:

local wezterm = require 'wezterm'

-- Equivalent to POSIX basename(3)
-- Given "/foo/bar" returns "bar"
-- Given "c:\\foo\\bar" returns "bar"
function basename(s)
  return string.gsub(s, '(.*[/\\])(.*)', '%2')

  function(tab, tabs, panes, config, hover, max_width)
    local pane = tab.active_pane
    local title = basename(pane.foreground_process_name)
      .. ' '
      .. pane.pane_id
    local color = 'navy'
    if tab.is_active then
      color = 'blue'
    return {
      { Background = { Color = color } },
      { Text = ' ' .. title .. ' ' },

return {}
Since: Version 20220319-142410-0fcdea07

The functionality described in this section requires version 20220319-142410-0fcdea07 of wezterm, or a more recent version.

The has_unseen_output field returns true if the there has been output in the pane since the last time it was focused.

This example shows how to use this event to change the color of the tab in the tab bar when there is unseen output.

local wezterm = require 'wezterm'
local config = {}

  function(tab, tabs, panes, config, hover, max_width)
    if tab.is_active then
      return {
        { Background = { Color = 'blue' } },
        { Text = ' ' .. tab.active_pane.title .. ' ' },
    local has_unseen_output = false
    for _, pane in ipairs(tab.panes) do
      if pane.has_unseen_output then
        has_unseen_output = true
    if has_unseen_output then
      return {
        { Background = { Color = 'Orange' } },
        { Text = ' ' .. tab.active_pane.title .. ' ' },
    return tab.active_pane.title

return config
Since: Version 20220624-141144-bd1b7c5d

The functionality described in this section requires version 20220624-141144-bd1b7c5d of wezterm, or a more recent version.

The domain_name field returns the name of the domain with which the pane is associated.

This example shows the domain name of the active pane appended to the tab title:

local wezterm = require 'wezterm'
local config = {}

wezterm.on('format-tab-title', function(tab)
  local pane = tab.active_pane
  local title = pane.title
  if pane.domain_name then
    title = title .. ' - (' .. pane.domain_name .. ')'
  return title

return config
Since: Version 20230408-112425-69ae8472

The functionality described in this section requires version 20230408-112425-69ae8472 of wezterm, or a more recent version.

The tty_name field returns the tty name with the same constraints as described in pane:get_tty_name().